Our Honorary Fellows come from a wide range of backgrounds, career paths and countries and are nominated by our members.
They include individuals whose distinguished research careers have made an extraordinary impact on scientific advancement, leaders of companies, or other major enterprises that have been of significant benefit to the application of chemical science. Some of our Honorary Fellows have contributed to the benefit and welfare of the chemical sciences through public service, outreach, policy development, and change, and through connecting or leading the chemical science community to provide solutions for societal challenges.
You can see all 112 current Honorary Fellows below.
The nomination process
We are currently seeking nominations for new Honorary Fellows. After our initial call in August, we received a small number of excellent nominations. We would like to extend the call to ensure we are considering nominees who further represent the diversity of our community. This will enable the Nominations Committee to make its final recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
Everybody working in the chemical sciences should be able to identify with the people who represent their professional bodies. This is why we ask you to ensure that your nomination choices reflect our community's full breadth and diversity. The more wide-ranging the list, the better we can show that the chemical sciences welcome everyone.
Members are invited to make nominations using the downloadable form below:
Guidance notes for the nomination of Royal Society of Chemistry Honorary Fellow
Nomination for Royal Society of Chemistry Honorary Fellow
The deadline for nominations is Monday 19 February 2024. Thank you for your support.
For more information, please get in touch with our Governance team using the contact details on this page.
Who may become an Honorary Fellow (HonFRSC)?
Our founding By-law 6 states:
“The Board of Trustees may admit to the Society as an Honorary Fellow any person who is distinguished in the science or profession of chemistry or whom the Board of Trustees may consider it desirable to admit as an Honorary Fellow for any other sufficient reason”.
Candidates will be considered against the following agreed criteria
- Distinguished chemists who have made a significant contribution to the chemical sciences community
- Distinguished scientists whose work, outside chemistry, has had a significant impact on chemical science
- Other distinguished persons whose activities have been of significant benefit to the chemical sciences community
For more information, please get in touch with our Governance team using the contact details on this page.
Our Honorary Fellows
Please see the candidates invited and accepted below (ordered by year):